Hands On

HANDS ON is a fitness web application, which was created during the UI for UX course at CareerFoundry. The app features daily challenges, a calendar to schedule workouts, a library filled with all sorts of exercises, and the option to create your own routines. It follows a minimalist approach, never showing pictures when they’re not required. This has different reasons to it. Pictures can be an amazing tool to motivate people, but they can also be intimidating, especially when it comes to sports and physical appearance. Furthermore, I wanted to challenge myself by not relying on pictures but instead creating something, that also works without.


Adobe XD

Wireframes, mock-ups,  prototype

PowerPoint 2016




Name: Rebecca

Job Title and Experience: Software Developer


  • Age: 26
  • Gender: Female
  • Education: Master’s in Software Development
  • Marital Status: In a relationship


  • Rebecca wants to lose weight and get in shape, as her sedentary job doesn’t allow a lot of time for exercising.
  • To help with this goal, Rebecca wants to find a tool that will help her fit exercise routines into her busy schedule.
  • As a beginner to working out, Rebecca also wants something that will help her learn how to properly exercise.
  • Rebecca wants help finding routines she can enjoy.


User Flows


After some initial sketching, low- to mid-fidelity wireframes were created using Adobe XD.



Animations & Gestures

Final Mockups

Working Prototype


  • Go through onboarding and log in
  • Delete Monday’s routine
  • Add a routine to Tuesday
  • Find “Bench Press” in the library
  • Start and finish your routine “Chest Day”